At Fysio Westerpark in Amsterdam you can go for problems in the lower back, abdomen and pelvic floor. Physiotherapists who specialize in pelvic physiotherapy work here.

What is Pelvic Physiotherapy?

Pelvic physiotherapy is a recognized specialty within physiotherapy. The therapy focuses on problems in the lower back, abdomen and pelvic floor. Men and women can suffer from this. Our pelvic physiotherapists Wilma van Arendonk, Hedda van Pelt and Saskia Smit are happy to help you.

The pelvis

The pelvis consists of three bones: the left and right halves of the pelvis, with the sacrum in between. The pelvis has three ‘joints’. There is one joint at the front, where the two pelvic halves come together (symphysis). There are two joints at the back, where the two halves of the pelvis connect to the sacrum (SI joints).

Problems in the pelvis

For example, problems in the pelvis can arise around pregnancy. In order to give birth to the child, pregnancy hormones cause the elastic bands around the pelvic joints to relax during pregnancy. This can disrupt muscle and joint sensation, causing pain and making movement more difficult. For example, the pain can be in a SI joint, a buttock, or radiate to the upper leg. You may notice this when getting up, turning over in bed, climbing stairs or doing other movements. Pelvic pain can therefore occur during or after pregnancy, but also after an accident or fall on the tailbone.

Pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor muscles are an important point of action in the therapy. The pelvic floor is a layer of muscle that forms the floor of the pelvis. There are channels in the pelvic floor through which the urethra, vagina and anus pass. By tensing the pelvic floor muscles, you close these channels, by relaxing them you open them. The pelvic floor carries and supports the bladder, uterus and intestines. The pelvic floor also ensures stability of the pelvis. This is important for daily exercise. Problems can lead to back and pelvic pain. The pelvic floor muscles also play a major role in, for example, holding the urine, sexuality and defecation.

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