The development of potty training is quite a complicated process. Sometimes this does not come naturally. Know that you are not alone and that there is often something you can do about it. You can think of bed-wetting, accidents of urinating or defecating, (too) frequent urination, stopping urination for too long, bladder infections. But also abdominal pain and constipation. These complaints can have a major impact on the life of the child and the family. A little extra help can be very nice.


The children’s pelvic physiotherapist has a lot of knowledge about urinary and defecating problems in children and can see if she can help you, together with you and your parents.
– she learns what to watch out for when urinating and defecating
– when is the best time to urinate and defecate
– how to sit on the toilet properly
– how you can best use the pee and poop doors
– how to respond to the signals from your gut

What does the treatment look like?

The pediatric pelvic physiotherapist will first make an inventory of your child’s complaints. This is done using:
– an interview
– poop and pee diaries
– physical examination
– any additional research

After this inventory, the pediatric pelvic physiotherapist will discuss with you which treatment is most useful. If your child is not yet 5 years old, you will usually receive information and specific advice with regard to toilet training, drinking and nutrition. For older children, the pelvic physiotherapist can start practicing with your child. The pediatric pelvic physiotherapist is trained to playfully teach children to feel where the pelvic floor muscles are located and how they can gain control over them.

Sometimes it is necessary to call in other experts. The pediatric pelvic physiotherapist is used to working with other care providers. If necessary – and always in consultation with the referrer – she will advise, for example, to consult an incontinence nurse, a dietician or a psychologist.


Often there is a referral from a general practitioner or specialist. However, a referral is not necessary. You can also make an appointment on your own initiative.


Pediatric pelvic physiotherapy is reimbursed by health insurers. Because this problem usually does not involve long-term complaints (chronic indication), the health insurer reimburses nine treatments. If the result is unsatisfactory, the treatment can be extended. The conditions for this extension differ per health insurer and depend on your additional insurance. If in doubt, it is best to contact your health insurer.

AVG law

In connection with the AVG law, we are obliged to have the parents sign a consent statement for children under the age of sixteen.

Berber Vonk and Wilma van Arendonk are the children’s pelvic physiotherapists at Fysio Westerpark.

Referrers with whom we work

OLVG paediatrics, Amsterdam UMC, general practitioners in Amsterdam.

Useful web sites

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